
Haiti/CPT: The Pluriel Network of Political Women reaffirms its support for Marie Denise Claude

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Haiti has been experiencing extremely difficult times for several years, including insecurity which is in full swing, the exorbitant cost of basic product prices, schools which are unable to function, etc., in this sense more than 200 people have decided to submit their candidacies for the post of Prime Minister of the CPT, this is the case of the former Minister for the Status of Women Marie Denise Claude who intends to help the country to overcome the difficulties facing it.

On Tuesday, May 21, during an exclusive interview given to our editorial staff, the Plural Network of Haitian Women Politicians reaffirmed its support for Marie Denise Claude, former Minister for the Status of Women, who aspires to become Prime Minister.

The Secretary General of the Network, Ms. Mauseline Pierre-Louis, indicated that Marie Denise Claude embodies the ideal profile for this position, particularly in these times of socio-political crisis.

However, the latter underlined the former minister’s ability to dialogue with all sectors of national life.
In addition, Mauseline Pierre-Louis added that Ms. Claude is the ideal candidate to resolve the crises facing the country.

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